India set the world record by cooking about 918kg khichdi, a traditional dish at the World Food India event here, a Guinness World Record official said on Saturday. A team led by renowned chef Sanjeev Kapoor cooked khichdi in an attempt to enter the Guinness World Records and promote the dish as Brand India superfood. Yoga guru Ramdev Baba put ‘tadka’ in the dish which was steam-cooked in a giant wok weighing around 1,200 kg. “Khichdi is healthy and superfood. It is good for those depending on food supplements. It is rich in all nutrition,” Ramdev said. Food Processing Minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal Minister said: “It is a wholesome food as it contains most of the nutrients. It also symbolizes the country’s unity in diversity.” The dish was prepared using multi-grains like rice, pulses, coarse cereals and vegetables. The night-long preparation was supervised by chef Sanjeev Kapoor. Other leading chefs including Imtiaz Qureshi, Ranveer Brar, Sudhir Sibal, Rakesh Sethi, Akshay Nayyar, Satish Gowda helped in the cooking. The khichdi will be distributed to orphans by Akshaya Patra Foundation and Gurudwara to about 60,000 people. (Source: TOI)