Sachin Tendulkar, the former Indian cricketer, who is also a Rajya Sabha MP, attended the Rajya Sabha on Thursday after a long hiatus. While Tendulkar attended the proceedings of the Upper House, people on social media mocked his abysmal attendance record as an MP. Tendulkar and Rekha were the worst performers in attendance in the Rajya Sabha among the 12 nominated members. Tendulkar has been repeatedly criticised for his poor attendance in the Rajya Sabha. A screenshot from Rajya Sabha TV soon went viral on Twitter and people began to caption Tendulkar’s expression with funny tweets. Twitterati trolled the ‘God of Indian cricket’ for his awful attendance record as an MP.
Check out some of the twitter posts mocking Sachin Tendulkar attending Rajya Sabha:
I was alive to see these great occurrences!!!! ????? #SachinInRajyaSabha ????? #SachinTendulkar
— Printix Artistix (@artsavoir_faire) August 3, 2017
Rare things in the world
Pakistan wants peace in Kashmir
Arvind Kejriwal supporting Modi
Sachin Tendulkar’s attendance in Rajya Sabha— Shubham Tamang (@ShubhamTamang) August 3, 2017
Sachin- mujhe kuch bolna hai
Speaker- apne film ke promotion ke alawa kuch bhi bol sakte ho
— BAD BOY (@dwivedi_ji12) August 3, 2017
Some rare landings.
— Rofl Gandhi (@RoflGandhi_) August 3, 2017
Special appearance that will always be remembered.
— Phd in Bakchodi (@Atheist_Krishna) August 3, 2017
Things that happen once in a lifetime.#RajyaSabha #SachinABillionDreams #SachinTendulkar
— Aniruddha #295A #295 (@AniruddhasT) August 3, 2017