Kareena Kapoor’s latest film Veere Di Wedding, which rocked the domestic box office in its opening weekend, remained steady during weekdays to score a half-century in the very first week. Although the collection kept dropping after Sunday, a huge weekend helped the film to achieve this feat.As per the box office reports, the film collected 4.06 crores on Thursday to take its total domestic box office collection to 56.96 crores after 7 days. As expected, the film is doing good business because of Delhi/NCR region. After the opening weekend, the film witnessed a huge drop in the collection in all regions expect Delhi/NCR.
Top 5 opening day… Top 5 opening weekend… #VeereDiWedding now cruises into Top 5 Week 1 of 2018… Fri 10.70 cr, Sat 12.25 cr, Sun 13.57 cr, Mon 6.04 cr, Tue 5.47 cr, Wed 4.87 cr, Thu 4.06 cr. Total: ₹ 56.96 cr. India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) June 8, 2018
Even in the second week, the collection should remain steady because of this region and it may cross 70 crores by the end of the second weekend.
The business of the film is as follows:
Friday (Day 1): ₹ 10.70 cr
Saturday (Day 2): ₹ 12.25 cr
Saturday (Day 3): ₹ 13.57 cr
Monday (Day 4): ₹ 6.04 cr
Tuesday (Day 12): ₹ 5.47 cr
Wednesday (Day 13): ₹ 4.87 cr
Thursday (Day 14): ₹ 4.06 cr
Total: ₹ 56.96 cr