The social media team of Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) trolled a troll on Twitter by its epic response. The Aadhaar Twitter handle wished its followers on Dussehra saying, “A time when the world sees the power of good governance. Let us continue this true spirit with Aadhaar.” They had tweeted an illustration of arrows piercing through the ten-headed Ravana.
A time when the world sees the power of good governance.
Let us continue this true spirit with Aadhaar…#HappyDussehra— Aadhaar (@UIDAI) September 30, 2017
To this, one Twitter user posted a question asking – “Sir how many Aadhaar can Ravan get? 10 faces, 10 iris pairs = 100 at least?” The reply by the Aadhar team was epic. It said – “Not a resident of India. Not eligible to enroll for Aadhaar.”
Not a resident of India. Not eligible to enroll for Aadhaar.
— Aadhaar (@UIDAI) September 30, 2017