Toolsidas Junior is an upcoming Bollywood sports drama film directed by Mridul Mahendra. Varun Buddhadev, Sanjay Dutt, Rajiv Kapoor, and Dalip Tahil play lead roles in the movie. The film is directed and produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Ashutosh Gowariker, and Sunita Gowariker under the banner of Ashutosh Gowariker Productions and T-Series Films.
Starcast of the movie
- Sanjay Dutt
- Rajiv Kapoor
- Dalip Tahil
- Varun Buddhadev
- Tasveer Kamil
- Sara Arjun
The film marks Rajiv Kapoor’s final and posthumous appearance following his death in February 2021. The film is set to release on March 4, 2022. Watch the trailer of the film here and post your comments.