After debuting at position 2 on its opening day in China, Akshay Kumar starrer Toilet Ek Prem Katha gained the top position on Saturday because of strong word of mouth and positive reviews. After Hindi Medium, Secret Superstar and Bajrangi Bhaijaan, the fans of the Hindi cinema in China got to watch Akshay and Bhumi’s Toilet Hero. Looking at the box office numbers, it seems that the social drama appealed to the Chinese moviegoers. As per the box office reports, the film amassed $3.68 million on the first Saturday to take its total Chinese box office collection to $6.04 million (₹ 40.79 Cr) in just 2 days. The growth in the collection is about 55% compared with the collection on Friday, which is humongous considering the fact that it’s Akshay Kumar’s first release in China. Also, the film was released in 11,500 screens and had 56,000 shows running in a day, the highest number for any Indian film.
#ToiletHero shows an amazing growth of 53% on Day 2 and ends with a box office collection of 23Million Yuan (Close to Rs 24.6crs) making it the highest box office sales among all other films in China today. Cumulative Business 40Crs+@akshaykumar @psbhumi @neerajpofficial
— Reliance Entertainment (@RelianceEnt) June 9, 2018
The Sunday collection might be along the lines of Saturday collection which means Toilet Hero will score approx. 60 crores in its first weekend at the Chinese box office.
The business of the film is as follows:
Friday (Day 1): $2.36 mn
Saturday (Day 2): $3.68 mn
Total: $6.04 mn [₹ 40.79 Cr]