Akshay Kumar’s social-drama film Toilet: Ek Prem Katha finally crossed 200 crores figure at the box office. The film had amassed more than 95 crores in the very first week, but the collection slowed down in the subsequent weeks due to competitions from several new releases. Because of competitions, the film could not cross 150 crores in India, however, it became the highest grosser for Akshay Kumar by toppling Rowdy Rathore.
As per the box office reports, the film grossed about 212 crores worldwide. The net collection from the Indian market stands at about 135 crores. The film has already entered into seventh week, so there is no possibility of additional earning in the upcoming days; it has to settle at this collection now. The film was made on a small budget of 18 crores, so the ROI is humongous. SUPERHIT.