Akshay Kumar’s hit film Toilet: Ek Prem Katha surprised everyone by landing on top of the Chinese box office in its first weekend. The film earned $9.06 million, ahead of holdover Chinese fantasy romance “How Long Will I Love U” in second place. The number is not excellent considering the size of the Chinese box office and the number of screens the film got. But Akshay Kumar is little known in China and it was his first film. It has turned out to be the fourth-highest opening weekend grosser after Secret Superstar, Hindi Medium, and Dangal. As per the box office reports, the film collected $1.31 million (₹ 8.90 Cr) on Monday to take its total Chinese box office collection to $10.37 million (₹ 70.15 Cr) after 4 days. The drop in the collection is about 44% compared to the collection on Friday. The central concept of the film is something that young Chinese might not have seen or heard, so the odds are against the film. But, collecting over $10 million in just 4 days is a big achievement for the film. The film might not be a megahit like Dangal or Secret Superstar, but looking at the current scenario, we are expecting the film to enter the Rs 100 crore club by the end of its second weekend at the box office.
The business of the film is as follows:
Friday (Day 1): $2.36 mn
Saturday (Day 2): $3.55 mn
Sunday (Day 3): $3.15 mn
Monday (Day 4): $1.31 mn
Total: $10.37 mn [₹ 70.15 Cr]
An excellent movie