After posting a humongous total in first week, Akshay Kumar’s Toilet: Ek Prem Katha lost its momentum in second week. Looking at the trend in first week, it was predicted that TEPK may cross 150 crores, but now it seems that even 140 crores will be a daunting target for the film. The collection of the film was marred by two new releases, which was never expected.
As per the box office reports, the film collected only 29 crores in second week, which is almost 70% less than the collection in first week. The total domestic box office collection of the film stands at 125 crores after 14 days. The daily collection of the film is as follows:
Day 1: 13.10 Crores, Day 2: 17.10 Crores, Day 3: 21.25 Crores, Day 4: 12 Crores, Day 5: 20.00 Crores, Day 6: 6.50 Crores, Day 7: 6.10 Crores, Day 8: 4.00 Crores, Day 9: 6.75 Crores, Day 10: 8.25 Crores, Day 11: 2.65 Crores, Day 12: 2.50 Crores, Day 13: 2.45 Crores, Day 14: 2.40 Crores
Although the collection improved on Saturday and Sunday, it witnessed a drastic drop during weekdays. From the very first look, it was obvious that the movie will not be liked by all multiplex audiences. Despite that it could cross 100 crores. Also, the budget of the film is only 24 crores (excluding Akshay Kumar’s fee), so it has become the second best film of 2017 in terms of ROI. Last 4 releases (Airlift, HF3, Rustom, and JLLB2) of Akshay Kumar had the similar story. They started with a bang, but lost pace in second week. The reason for such trend is the type of movies he is currently doing. Airlift and Rustom were for multiplex audiences, whereas HF3, JLLB2 and TEPK were for single screen audiences. TEPK may still become the highest grosser for Akshay Kumar, but he has to wait for 2.0 to cross 150/200 crores.