Tiger Zinda Hai, the sequel to Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif’s 2012 film ‘Ek Tha Tiger’, enjoyed a successful run at the box-office in the second weekend. Because of the new year, the film witnessed an excellent growth in the collection on both Saturday and Sunday. As Monday is 1st January, the film will surely maintain its momentum. Although it is facing competition from Jumanji in big multiplexes, the single screens and smaller multiplexes recorded huge collections during the second weekend.
As per the box office reports, the film amassed 48.71 crores in the second weekend to take its total domestic box office collection to a towering 254.75 crores after 10 days. The daily collection of the film in the second week is as follows: Fri 11.56 cr, Sat 14.92 cr, Sun 22.23 cr.
#TigerZindaHai biz at a glance…
Week 1: ₹ 206.04 cr
Weekend 2: ₹ 48.71 cr
Total: ₹ 254.75 cr
India biz. #TZH#TigerZindaHai benchmarks…
Crossed ₹ 50 cr: Day 2
Crossed ₹ 100 cr: Day 3
Crossed ₹ 150 cr: Day 4
Crossed ₹ 200 cr: Day 7
Crossed ₹ 250 cr: Day 10
India biz.— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) January 1, 2018
Tiger Zinda Hai has scored about 410 crores gross at the worldwide box office and has surpassed Salman Khan’s own Prem Ratan Dhan Payo (₹399 crore worldwide in 2015) to become the 10th highest-grossing Indian movie ever released. The film will definitely become the highest grosser for Salman Khan in the domestic market, but in the worldwide market, it has to collect a whopping 225 crores gross to become the biggest HIT for Salman Khan [Bajrangi Bhaijaan (₹626 crore worldwide in 2015) and Sultan (₹589 crore in 2015)]. As the holiday season is over now, the juggernaut of the film will not continue and the daily collection during the weekdays may come down to the single digit (less than 10 crores).
On its way to break several box office records.