Salman Khan’s and Katrina Kaif’s Christmas release, Tiger Zinda Hai, rocked the domestic box office in its first weekend. Although the film could not surpass the weekend collection of Bahubali 2, it set several new milestones for the upcoming Bollywood movies. Directed by Ali Abbas Zafar, it is the sequel to the 2012 blockbuster Ek Tha Tiger and has released across 4600 screens in the domestic market.
The film scored a century (114.93 crores) at the box office in just 3 days and is now heading towards 150 crores on Monday. If we exclude Bahubali 2 from the list as it was not a Bollywood film, TZH becomes the biggest first weekend grosser of 2017. Here is the list of movies with opening weekend collections.
1. Baahubali 2 – The Conclusion – Rs. 128 cr
2. Tiger Zinda Hai – Rs. 114.93 cr
3. Raees – Rs. 93.24 cr
4. Golmaal Again – Rs. 87.60 cr
5. Kaabil – Rs. 67.46 cr
6. Tubelight – Rs. 64.77 cr
7. Judwaa 2 – Rs. 59.25 cr
8. Toilet – Ek Prem Katha – Rs. 51.45 cr
9. Jolly LLB 2 – Rs. 50.46 cr
10. Jab Harry Met Sejal – Rs. 45.75 cr
11. Baadshaho – Rs. 43.3 cr
12. Badrinath Ki Dulhania – Rs. 43.05 cr (Source: Bollywoodhungama)