Ajay Devgn and Sidharth Malhotra starrer Thank God had below average opening on Tuesday despite the Deepavali festival. It seems that Thank God will soon join the list of flop movies in 2022. The year 2022 has been disastrous for Bollywood as only Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 and The Kashmir Files are clean hits in the first ten months. Looking at the trend, it looks gloomy for the upcoming Bollywood films. Thank God features big names, and critics also gave it good ratings. But the audience did not buy those ratings and gave it a miss. Per our estimates, the films should collect 30-32 crores in the first weekend and 45-50 crores in its lifetime.
Thank God is a Bollywood fantasy comedy-drama film directed by Indra Kumar. It is an official remake of the Danish movie Sorte Kulgar and stars Ajay Devgn, Sidharth Malhotra, and Rakul Preet Singh in lead roles. The film was released theatrically on 25 October 2022.
The Indian box office collection of Thank God is as follows:
Day | Net Collection (in ₹ ) | |
Day 1 | First Tuesday | 8.10 Cr |
Day 2 | First Wednesday | 6.00 Cr |
Day 3 | First Thursday | 4.15 Cr |
Day 4 | First Friday | 3.30 Cr |
Day 5 | First Saturday | 3.70 Cr |
Day 6 | First Sunday | 4.00 Cr |
Day 7 | First Monday | 1.50 Cr |
Day 8 | Second Tuesday | 1.25 Cr |
Day 9 | Second Wednesday | 1.10 Cr |
Day 10 | Second Thursday | 0.95 Cr |
Week 1 | 33.05 Cr | |
Day 11 | Second Friday | 0.30 Cr |
Day 12 | Second Saturday | 0.45 Cr |
Day 13 | Second Sunday | 0.55 Cr |
Week 2 | 2.15 Cr |
Total collection: ₹ 35.20 Cr