Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended the silver jubilee celebrations of Akshardham temple in Gandhinagar. Speaking at the silver jubilee celebrations, PM made an emotional connect with thousands of devotees of BAPS Swaminarayan Sansthan as he recalled his close association with Pramukh Swami Maharaj, the late head of one of the biggest Swaminarayan sects of Hindu religion, who he revered as a father figure. PM Narendra Modi on Thursday (Nov 2, 2017) took to Twitter to share the beautiful photos of Akshardham Temple. Taking to Twitter, PM Modi wrote,”Stunning glimpses of the Akshardham Temple…next time you are in Gujarat, do visit.” (Photos are taken from PM Narendra Modi’s Twitter)
Stunning glimpses of the Akshardham Temple…next time you are in Gujarat, do visit.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) November 2, 2017