Despite limited screens and shows due to the COVID pandemic, Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif starrer Sooryavanshi enjoyed a decent opening at the box office. It was the first big Bollywood movie that hit the big screens after 18+ months. The film features big names and is directed by Rohit Shetty, so big numbers were expected. If it had a regular release, it would have broken some box office records. However, the movie is on the path to becoming the biggest weekend grosser for Akshay Kumar. It should easily score a century at the domestic box office, but the pandemic will mar its massive lifetime prospect.
Sooryavanshi is a Bollywood action film directed by Rohit Shetty and produced by Reliance Entertainment, Rohit Shetty Picturez, Dharma Productions, and Cape Of Good Films. The film stars Akshay Kumar as Anti-Terrorism Squad chief DCP Veer Sooryavanshi opposite Katrina Kaif. In extended cameo appearances, Ajay Devgn and Ranveer Singh reprise their roles of Singham and Simmba from the franchise’s previous films. After several delays, Sooryavanshi has theatrically released worldwide on 5 November 2021, coinciding with Diwali.
The Indian box office collection of Sooryavanshi is as follows:
Day | Net Collection in India (in ₹ ) | |
Day 1 | First Friday | 26.29 |
Day 2 | First Saturday | 23.85 |
Day 3 | First Sunday | 26.94 |
Day 4 | First Monday | 14.51 |
Day 5 | First Tuesday | 11.22 |
Day 6 | First Wednesday | 9.55 |
Day 7 | First Thursday | 8.30 |
Week 1 | 120.66 | |
Day 8 | Second Friday | 6.83 |
Day 9 | Second Saturday | 10.35 |
Day 10 | Second Sunday | 13.39 |
Day 11 | Second Monday | 4.50 |
Day 12 | Second Tuesday | 3.92 |
Day 13 | Second Wednesday | 3.42 |
Day 14 | Second Thursday | 3.16 |
Week 2 | 45.57 | |
Day 15 | Third Friday | 3.26 |
Day 16 | Third Saturday | 3.77 |
Day 17 | Third Sunday | 5.33 |
Day 18 | Third Monday | 1.88 |
Day 19 | Third Tuesday | 1.70 |
Day 20 | Third Wednesday | 1.56 |
Day 21 | Third Thursday | 1.18 |
Week 3 | 18.70 | |
Day 22 | Fourth Friday | 0.71 |
Day 23 | Fourth Saturday | 1.43 |
Day 24 | Fourth Sunday | 2.05 |
Day 25 | Fourth Monday | 0.62 |
Day 26 | Fourth Tuesday | 0.64 |
Day 27 | Fourth Wednesday | 0.51 |
Day 28 | Fourth Thursday | 0.47 |
Week 4 | 6.43 | |
Week 5 | 2.96 | |
Weekend 6 | 0.72 |
Total collection: ₹ 195.04 Cr