Riding on extremely positive word of mouth publicity, Bhumi Pednekar’s latest film Shubh Mangal Savdhan witnessed more than 100% jump in the collection on Saturday. Although the film had underperformed on Friday, its content pulled the moviegoers to the theaters on the second day. The film does not have any big name, so this kind of jump suggests that the content has a huge appreciation.
As per the box office reports, the movie amassed 5.56 crores on the first Saturday to take its total domestic box office collection to 8.27 crores after two days. The daily collection of the film is as follows: Day 1: 2.71 crores, Day 2: 5.56 crores.
#ShubhMangalSaavdhan has EXCELLENT Sat… Biz doubles actually… Fri 2.71 cr, Sat 5.56 cr. Total: ₹ 8.27 cr. India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) September 3, 2017
The film is facing competitions from multiple old and new releases, so such growth is a good sign in the long run. It is definitely going to have another excellent jump on Sunday because of its content, so the first-weekend collection may be close to 15 crores. It is doing an excellent business in multiplexes, whereas the collection from single screens is not up to the mark.