Ranbir Kapoor’s latest film Sanju has been unstoppable at the box office since its opening day. Like all previous movies of Hirani, Sanju started with a bang at the ticket counters and has been smashing box office records every day. The film did not have any holiday or long weekend, but these things do not matter for Hirani’s movies.
As per the box office reports, the film amassed 21.50 crores on second Saturday to take its total domestic box office collection to 237.51 crores after 9 days. The jump in the collection on Saturday is about 60% with respect to the collection on Friday. Such growth on second Saturday without a holiday is unprecedented as only Bahubali 2 has achieved such feat in the history of Indian cinema. The current trend at the ticket windows suggests that the collection should cross 260 crores by the end of the second weekend.
At this pace, the film should score a triple century in two weeks or on third Friday. Also, there is no major release in the next 3 weeks, so it might topple Dangal from the second position in the list of highest grossing Hindi movies. Reaching 500 crores in its lifetime may be an arduous task, but the current trend should help it in crossing 400 crores.
The box office collection of the film is as follows:
Week 1: ₹ 202.51 cr
Friday (Day 8): ₹ 12.90 cr
Saturday (Day 9): ₹ 22.02 cr
Total: ₹ 237.43 cr