Ajay Devgn and Ileana D’Cruz starrer Raid has run out of gas in the fourth week and hence its daily collection is not able to touch even 1 crore. The film got hammered by Tiger’s Baaghi 2, otherwise, it would have crossed 110 crores in its lifetime. As per the box office reports, the film collected 1.83 crores in the fourth weekend to take its total domestic box office collection to 101.54 crores. The daily collection of the film in the fourth week is as follows: Fri 43 lakhs, Sat 55 lakhs, Sun 85 lakhs.
#Raid [Week 4] Fri 43 lakhs, Sat 55 lakhs, Sun 85 lakhs. Total: ₹ 101.54 cr. India biz.#Raid biz at a glance…
Week 1: ₹ 63.05 cr
Week 2: ₹ 27.06 cr
Week 3: ₹ 9.60 cr
Weekend 4: ₹ 1.83 cr
Total: ₹ 101.54 cr
India biz.
HIT.— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) April 9, 2018
The film is now running on a small number of screens and is getting a few footfalls, so the lifetime collection will remain less than 105 crores.
The business of Raid till now is as follows:
Week 1: ₹ 63.05 cr
Week 2: ₹ 27.06 cr
Week 3: ₹ 9.60 cr
Weekend 4: ₹ 1.83 cr