Surpassing all expectations, Alia Bhatt starrer Raazi managed to put an excellent collection in the first weekend. The film has been ringing the cash registers at the box office ever since its release. Positive word of mouth publicity helped the film to attract moviegoers during the weekend and hence the collection could maintain the momentum. As per the box office reports, the film amassed 14.11 crores on Sunday to take its total domestic box office collection to 32.94 crores after 3 days. Setting aside Hollywood superhero film Avengers: Infinity War, Raazi has managed to become the fifth highest weekend grosser of 2018, after Padmaavat, Baaghi, Padman, and Raid.
#Raazi has a FANTASTIC opening weekend… Alia’s star power + power-packed performances + strong content + solid word of mouth helped multiply numbers… Fri 7.53 cr, Sat 11.30 cr, Sun 14.11 cr. Total: ₹ 32.94 cr. India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) May 14, 2018
With no other big names in the cast, the film completely relies on the shoulders of its lead actor Alia Bhatt. But looks like a good word-of-mouth promotion and decent reviews have also worked in the film’s favor. The film is heading toward 50 crores figure in its first week. If it could score a half-century in the first week, it would be a great accomplishment for the film and it may earn the tag of SUPERHIT.
The business of the film is now as follows:
Day 1: ₹ 7.53 cr
Day 2: ₹ 11.30 cr
Day 3: ₹ 14.11 cr
Total: ₹ 32.94 cr
Very good movie.