Meghna Gulzar’ Indian spy thriller film Raazi had a solid start on Friday. Riding on excellent reviews from critics, the film managed to attract the moviegoers. In the film, Alia Bhatt plays the role of a spy who marries into a Pakistan family solely to report back to Indian authorities. The movie is based on the novel Calling Sehmat by Harinder Sikka. As per the box office reports, the film collected 7.53 crores on day one. The positive word of mouth is definitely going to help the film during the weekend and it may stop the juggernaut of Avengers.
Power of SOLID CONTENT… #Raazi starts Day 1 with a BIG BANG… The EXCEPTIONAL word of mouth should result in a FANTASTIC opening weekend… Fri ₹ 7.53 cr. India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) May 12, 2018
The film recorded the fifth highest opening for a Hindi film in 2018, leaping ahead of this year’s hits like ‘Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety’ (Rs 6.18 crore), ‘Hichki’ (Rs 3.31 crore) and ‘October’ (Rs 4.18 crore). Looking at the current trend at the box office, it seems that the first-weekend collection should cross 25 crores.
The business of the film is as follows:
Day 1: ₹ 7.53 cr