Alia Bhatt and Vicky Kaushal’s Raazi has been raking in the moolah since it released on May 11. The film enjoyed one of the best weekends of 2018 and then maintained its momentum to score a half-century in the very first week. The daily collection during the weekdays was more than 5 crores, which means the film is heading towards a big total in its lifetime.As per the box office reports, the film amassed 56.59 crores in first 7 days. After crossing 30 crores in the opening weekend, the film refused to slow down at the ticket window. Raazi has a niche subject and Alia Bhatt’s performance has won rave reviews from the critics. So, the collection will definitely head towards 75 crores in the second weekend.
#Raazi emerges a WINNER… Does REMARKABLE biz in Week 1… Emerges 5th HIGHEST *Week 1* of 2018… Fri 7.53 cr, Sat 11.30 cr, Sun 14.11 cr, Mon 6.30 cr, Tue 6.10 cr, Wed 5.90 cr, Thu 5.35 cr. Total: ₹ 56.59 cr. India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) May 18, 2018
As we say, content is king and with a fabulous storyline, great execution, and phenomenal performances, Raazi has been able to gain a tremendous word of mouth of publicity. The movie has potential to score a century at the box office in its lifetime. If it could add another 20 crores in the second week, it would be able to join the century club in the third week.
The business of the film is now as follows:
Fri: ₹ 7.53 cr
Sat: ₹ 11.30 cr
Sun: ₹ 14.11 cr
Mon: ₹ 6.30 cr
Tue: ₹ 6.10 cr
Wed: ₹ 5.90 cr
Thu: ₹ 5.35 cr
Total: ₹ 56.59 cr