The Meghna Gulzar directorial film Raazi enjoyed a good run at the box office even in the fifth week. The film has lost a large share of its screens to new releases, but it is still earning in lakhs to improve its lifetime earning. Raazi has also become the highest grossing film for Alia Bhatt by surpassing her previous biggie ‘Badrinath Ki Dulhaniya’.
As per the box office reports, the film collected 3.43 crores in the fifth week to take its total domestic box office collection to 121.22 crores after 35 days. The movie has almost reached its lifetime collection and the release of Salman’s Race 3 will definitely hinder its further progress.
#Raazi biz at a glance…
Week 1: ₹ 56.59 cr
Week 2: ₹ 35.04 cr
Week 3: ₹ 18.21 cr
Week 4: ₹ 7.95 cr
Week 5: ₹ 3.43 cr
Total: ₹ 121.22 cr
India biz.
BLOCKBUSTER.— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) June 15, 2018
Race 3 does not have positive word of mouth publicity, so Raazi might be able to cross 122 crores in its lifetime. For Alia, this is her third film to enter the Rs 100 crore club, after ‘2 States’ and ‘Badrinath Ki Dulhania’.
The business of the film is as follows:
Week 1: ₹ 56.59 cr
Week 2: ₹ 35.04 cr
Week 3: ₹ 18.21 cr
Week 4: ₹ 7.95 cr
Friday (Day 29): ₹ 45 lakhs
Saturday (Day 30): ₹ 80 lakhs
Sunday (Day 31): ₹ 90 lakhs
Monday (Day 32): ₹ 32 lakhs
Tuesday (Day 33): ₹ 32 lakhs
Wednesday (Day 34): ₹ 32 lakhs
Thursday (Day 35): ₹ 32 lakhs
Total: ₹ 121.22 cr BLOCKBUSTER