Prithviraj is an upcoming Bollywood historical epic war action drama film directed by Chandraprakash Dwivedi and produced by Yash Raj Films. The film is a biopic of the Rajput warrior king Prithviraj Chauhan of the Chauhan dynasty. The film is based on Prithviraj Raso, a Braj Bhasha epic poem about the life of Prithviraj Chauhan. It features Akshay Kumar as Prithviraj Chauhan, while Manushi Chhillar makes her Hindi film debut playing the role of Sanyogita. The film also stars Sanjay Dutt, Sonu Sood, Ashutosh Rana, Sakshi Tanwar, Manav Vij, and Lalit Tiwari.
Starcast of the movie:
- Akshay Kumar as Prithviraj Chauhan
- Sanjay Dutt as Kaka Kanha
- Sonu Sood as Chand Bardai
- Manushi Chhillar as Sanyogita
- Manav Vij as Muhammad Ghori
- Ashutosh Rana as Jayachandra
- Sakshi Tanwar
- Lalit Tiwari as Anangpal Tomar
- Ajoy Chakrabarty
- Govind Pandey as Pajawan
This film is scheduled for release on 3 June 2022. Watch the trailer and post your comments about it.