Prime Minister Narendra Modi wrote a letter to the 13th President of India, Pranab Mukherjee, on his last day with the warmest regard. PM thanked him for all his support and guidance as the president. Pranab Mukherjee (born 11 December 1935) is an Indian politician who served as the 13th President of India from 2012 until 2017. In a political career spanning six decades, Mukherjee was a senior leader of the Indian National Congress and occupied several ministerial portfolios in the Government of India. Prior to his election as President, Mukherjee was Union Finance Minister from 2009 to 2012, and the Congress party’s top troubleshooter. Today, the former president Mukherjee shared that letter with all his followers on twitter.
On my last day in office as the President, I received a letter from PM @narendramodi that touched my heart! Sharing with you all.
— Pranab Mukherjee (@CitiznMukherjee) August 3, 2017