Vivek Oberoi’s latest movie PM Narendra Modi fared well in the second weekend. Although the daily collection was less than 5 crore, the film managed to get close to 25 crore. Because of its low budget, it has already become a profitable venture for makers.
As per the box office reports, the film earned 4.92 crore in the second weekend to take its total domestic box office collection to 24.13 crore after 10 days. It should score 27-28 crore in its lifetime as Salman’s Bharat will release on Wednesday.
The box office collection of PM Narendra Modi is as follows:
Week 1: ₹ 19.21 cr
Friday (Day 8): ₹ 1.05 cr
Saturday (Day 9): ₹ 1.62 cr
Sunday (Day 10): ₹ 2.25 cr
Total: ₹ 24.13 cr HIT
Arjun Kapoor’s India’s Most Wanted had a very poor second weekend and now it seems that the film may not reach even 15 crore in its lifetime.
The box office collection of India’s Most Wanted is as follows:
Week 1: ₹ 11.86 cr
Friday (Day 8): ₹ 0.35 cr
Saturday (Day 9): ₹ 0.45 cr
Sunday (Day 10): ₹ 0.53 cr
Total: ₹ 13.19 cr FLOP