Akshay Kumar’s latest biographical comedy-drama film PadMan enjoyed a good jump in the collection of its first Saturday. The film does not have much commercial value, so the collection will have to depend on word of mouth publicity only. Unlike other stars, Akshay Kumar has been doing low-budget movies with great social messages for a couple of years. So, the opening figures are not very exciting. Also, such films do not get a huge release like typical Bollywood masala flicks. As per the box office reports, the film collected 13.68 crores on the second day to take its total domestic box office collection to 23.94 crores. The daily collection of the film in its first week is as follows: Fri 10.26 cr, Sat 13.68 cr.
#PadMan makes RAPID STRIDES on Sat… Picks up SPEED… Biz should be STRONG on Sun too… HEALTHY weekend is on the cards… Fri 10.26 cr, Sat 13.68 cr. Total: ₹ 23.94 cr. India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) February 11, 2018
As the family audiences come to the theaters in a large number on Sunday for such movies, the film might cross 16 crores on Sunday. Thus, the movie will miss the half-century by 10/11 crores. The collection from the small centers and single screens is going to be very minimal because of the subject of the movie; it has to rely on only multiplexes. The weekday collection may remain steady because of Shivratri on Tuesday and Valentine day on Wednesday. If it could manage more than 10 crores on both days, it will have a good chance to enter the 100-crore club. But a single-digit collection on Tuesday/Wednesday will mar its lifetime prospect because it will have competition from the new release ‘Aiyaary’ in the second week.
85-95 crores lifetime collection.
Reports recommend that Salman Khan will likely be taking pictures for 26 episodes of the present and will likely be charging Rs three crores per episode which implies 78 crores whole. Now that is greater than the lifetime enterprise of many Bollywood movies however on the identical time lower than the weekend collections that Salman Khan starrers deliver at Box Office.