HIT machine Akshay Kumar is back with his next movie which is going to be released on 26 January 2018. The National Award winning actor will next be seen in ‘Padman’, a film helmed by R Balki. The makers have released the title track ‘The Padman Song’ on YouTube. It features Akshay in the lead with Radhika Apte playing his on-screen wife. Sonam Kapoor stars in a pivotal role. The song has been sung by Mika Singh and the music is composed by Amit Trivedi.The film is based on the real-life incident of Arunachalam Muruganantham—the man whose initiative to invent low-cost sanitary pad making machines in rural India helped not only his wife but other women in his village to lead a hygienic life. Enjoy the song here and post your comment (source: Zee News)