From the very first look and content, it was evident that Akshay Kumar’s PadMan would not find many takers at the box office. Performing along the lines of expectation, the film struggled to collect a decent figure on its opening day. The story of the film is unconventional; it aims to break the taboo that surrounds menstruation and sanitary napkins. So, the small centers and single screens will hardly make any contribution to movie’s box office collection. As per the box office reports, the film garnered 10.26 crores on its first Friday. The film needs a big boost on Saturday and Sunday to put a decent total in its first week.
#PadMan has a DECENT start… Fri ₹ 10.26 cr… The biz, expectedly, picked up towards evening/night shows… The journey ahead is crucial… Sat + Sun should witness strong growth for a good weekend total… India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) February 10, 2018
Although it is a low-budget film and will enter into the profit zone in the very first weekend, the lifetime collection may not be very exciting. In the movie, Akshay plays the titular PadMan, based on Arunachalam Muruganantham, a Coimbatore native who invented a low-cost sanitary napkin producing machine. The film also features Sonam Kapoor and Radhika Apte in lead roles. The film is facing a tough competition from Padmaavat, which is still running on a large number of screens. Lately, Akshay Kumar is doing only content movies, so the opening figure is always 10-15 crores. But many of those movies scored a century at the box in their lifetimes. Will PadMan follow the path of other hits of Akshay Kumar? Only time will tell.
Akshay should do one action-masala film every year like Sallu. Salman’s blockbusters show Indian moviegoers like craps.