Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh, and Shahid Kapoor starrer Padmaavat had a very strong second week. Enjoying a free run at the ticket counters, the film scored a half-century in the second week. Although the collection kept going south, it managed to cross 50 crores because of an excellent weekend. As per the box office reports, the film amassed 69.50 crores in the second week to take its total domestic box office collection to 236 crores. The daily collection of the film in its second week is as follows: Fri 10 cr, Sat 16 cr, Sun 20 cr, Mon 7 cr, Tue 6 cr, Wed 5.50 cr, Thu 5 cr.
#Padmaavat packs a SOLID PUNCH in Week 2… [Week 2] Fri 10 cr, Sat 16 cr, Sun 20 cr, Mon 7 cr, Tue 6 cr, Wed 5.50 cr, Thu 5 cr. Total: ₹ 236 cr. India biz.#Padmaavat biz at a glance…
Week 1: ₹ 166.50 cr
Week 2: ₹ 69.50 cr
Total: ₹ 236 cr
India biz.
SUPER-HIT.— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) February 9, 2018
The film is all set to cross 250 crores in the third weekend as it is still running on a large number of screens. It will now face a tough competition from PadMan, which also has a very positive word of mouth publicity. So, now it has no chance to score a triple century at the box office, but the lifetime collection may cross 275 crores. Padmaavat has also become the biggest grosser for all of its leading stars.
275-280 crores lifetime collection.