Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone starrer epic period drama film Padmaavat showed no sign of tiredness on its first Tuesday. The movie remained rock steady at the box office and collected more than 10 crores. As expected, the juggernaut of the film will continue because of positive word of mouth publicity and it may add another 22-25 crores to its kitty in next two days of week one.
As per the box office reports, the film collected 14 crores on first Tuesday to take its total domestic box office collection to 143 crores. The daily collection of the film in its first week is as follows: Wed [limited previews] 5 cr, Thu 19 cr, Fri 32 cr, Sat 27 cr, Sun 31 cr, Mon 15 cr, Tue 14 cr.
#Padmaavat shows no signs of slowing down… Biz is SUPER-STRONG on weekdays… Wed [limited previews] 5 cr, Thu 19 cr, Fri 32 cr, Sat 27 cr, Sun 31 cr, Mon 15 cr, Tue 14 cr. Total: ₹ 143 cr. India biz.
Overseas opening weekend: approx $ 12 million [₹ 76.24 cr]. OUTSTANDING!
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) January 31, 2018
The film should cross 150 crores on Wednesday and 165 crores in the very first week. There is no big release on Friday, so it will get one more open week to score a double century in the second weekend. The film has lost 15-20 crores due to protest in some states. A smooth release would have made it a member of 300 crores club.