Amazon Obhijaan is an upcoming Indian adventure drama film, directed by Kamaleshwar Mukherjee and produced by Shrikant Mohta and Mahendra Soni under the banner of SVF Entertainment. It is the sequel to 2013 film Chander Pahar and the second installment of Chander Pahar film franchise. This film is the 100th film of the production house. The film is slated to be released on December 22, 2017.(source: wikipedia)Movie Credits :
Film : Amazon Obhijaan
Director : Kamaleswar Mukherjee
Starring : Dev, Svetlana Gulakova, David James, Laboni Sarkar & others
Presenter : Shrikant Mohta & Mahendra Soni
Producer : SVF Entertainment Pvt. Ltd
Music : Debajyoti Mishra
Story & Screenplay : Kamaleswar Mukherjee
Cinematography : Soumik Haldar
Editor : Rabi Ranjan Maitra
Art Direction : Tanmoy Chakraborty
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