Rajkummar Rao’s latest film Newton remained steady during the weekdays to post a decent total in the first week. Though the daily collection was less than 2 crores, the film was able to cross 10 crores in its opening week. It is a low-budget film and does not feature any big star, so the collection can be termed excellent.
As per the box office reports, the film collected 11.83 crores in first seven days. The daily collection of the film is as follows: Fri 96 lakhs, Sat 2.52 cr, Sun 3.42 cr, Mon 1.31 cr, Tue 1.34 cr, Wed 1.18 cr, Thu 1.10 cr.
#Newton Fri 96 lakhs, Sat 2.52 cr, Sun 3.42 cr, Mon 1.31 cr, Tue 1.34 cr, Wed 1.18 cr, Thu 1.10 cr. Total: ₹ 11.83 cr. India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) September 29, 2017
Varun Dhawan’s Juwda2 will release this weekend, so the collection of Newton will be affected because of a new competitor at the box office. If Judwa2 fails to attract moviegoers, the lifetime collection of Newton may cross 20 crores, otherwise, it might have to settle at about 16-17 crores.