Anil Kapur’s latest comedy film Mubarakan has been struggling at the box office from day one. Although the film enjoyed about 100% growth in the collection on first Sunday, its downfall started on first Monday. During weekdays, the film kept heading south and as a result of that, it could barely touch 35 crores in first week.
As per the box office reports, the earning of the film in second week is as follows: Fri 1.05 cr, and Sat 2 cr. The total domestic box office collection of the film stands at 38.71 crores after 9 days.
#Mubarakan biz almost doubles on Sat… [Week 2] Fri 1.05 cr, Sat 2 cr. Total: ₹ 38.71 cr. India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) August 6, 2017
Shah Rukh Khan’s new movie Jab Harry Met Sejal did not get good word of mouth publicity, which may be a good sign for Mubarakan. The film was not able to get good number of footfalls in all regions for Bollywood movies because of its story. A large percentage of earning of the film came from Delhi and Punjab regions. In second weekend, it will definitely cross 40 crores and the lifetime collection may be 44-45 crores because another big movie of Akshay Kumar Toilet Ek Prem Katha will hit screens on next Friday.