As expected, Anil Kapoor starrer comedy flick Mubarakan started heading south on fourth day. The film witnessed a humongous jump in the collection on Sunday because of positive word of mouth publicity, but it is not able to maintain the pace because of its content. As the weekend collection was average, the film had to hold during weekdays to post a decent total in first week. But that did not happen, so the writing is on the wall.
As per the box office reports, the collections of the film in its first week are as follows: Fri 5.16 cr, Sat 7.38 cr, Sun 10.37 cr, and Mon 3.55 cr. The total domestic box office collection of the film after 4 days stands at 26.46 crores.
#Mubarakan Fri 5.16 cr, Sat 7.38 cr, Sun 10.37 cr, Mon 3.55 cr. Total: ₹ 26.46 cr. India biz… Decline on Mon [vis-à-vis Fri]: 31.20%.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) August 1, 2017
The drop in the collection on Monday compared to Friday is about 31%, which is a normal drop. But the problem lies in the opening collection, which was below par. The film has potential to add another 8-9 crores in the remaining three days of first week. That will take its first week collection to about 35 crores, which means the film will have a hard time crossing 40 crores figure because of a big competition from Jab harry Met Sejal and Toilet Ek Prem Katha. Looking at the current trend, it seems that Mubarakan may be another flop for Arjun Kapoor.