Aksar 2 is an upcoming Indian thriller film, directed by Anant Mahadevan. The film is the sequel to 2006 film Aksar. The film will star Gautam Rode, Abhinav Shukla, Zareen Khan and Mohit Madaan in lead roles. The soundtrack is to be composed by Mithoon with lyrics written by Sayeed Quadri.
Enjoy the motion poster of the movie here. The first part was itself a big disaster. So, it seems a bit ridiculous that makers have courage to make the second part :)
Here’s the motion poster of #Aksar2… Ananth Mahadevan directs… Stars Zareen Khan and Gautam Rode. pic.twitter.com/Rkqk4eIdIC
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) August 3, 2017