In a recent development, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has taken a dig at the Opposition I.N.D.I bloc’s internal conflicts and disagreements over a common face for the Lok Sabha elections in 2024. The party went on to share a video titled ‘INDIA Alliance Mein Fight, Main Hi Dulha Hun Right’ on its X handle on March 26, which aims to showcase how the leaders in the I.N.D.I bloc are unable to reach a consensus on one common face to stand up against the Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led BJP in the upcoming elections. The 2.23-minute-long video is a clear message that the leaders of the I.N.D.I bloc seem to be fighting among themselves, thereby proving their inability to pose a significant challenge to the ruling party. This development is crucial in understanding the current political scenario in India, and it remains to be seen how the opposition parties will respond to this dig taken by the BJP.
Check out the video and share your feedback about the video.