Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor starrer Laal Singh Chaddha had an average opening on Thursday at the Indian box office. Despite being a holiday release, the film failed to get the desired number of footfalls. The film is sharing screens with another biggie, Raksha Bandhan, but such an abysmal opening is unsuitable for a decent lifetime collection. LSC did well only in Delhi and Punjab regions; it faced initial rejection in all other regions. Unlike Raksha Bandhan, it has received bad reviews from critics and moviegoers, so there is very little chance for recovery during the extended weekend. Per our estimates, the film should collect 50-55 crores in its extended weekend and 75-80 crores in its lifetime.
Laal Singh Chaddha is a Bollywood comedy-drama film directed by Advait Chandan from a screenplay by Eric Roth and Atul Kulkarni. Produced by Aamir Khan Productions and Viacom18 Studios, it is a remake of the 1994 American film Forrest Gump. The film stars Aamir Khan as the titular character alongside Kareena Kapoor, Naga Chaitanya, and Mona Singh.
The Indian box office collection of Laal Singh Chaddha is as follows:
Day | Net Collection (in ₹ ) | |
Day 1 | First Thursday | 11.70 Cr |
Day 2 | First Friday | 7.26 Cr |
Day 3 | First Saturday | 9.00 Cr |
Day 4 | First Sunday | 10.00 Cr |
Day 5 | First Monday | 7.87 Cr |
Day 6 | First Tuesday | 2.05 Cr |
Day 7 | First Wednesday | 1.55 Cr |
Day 8 | First Thursday | 1.37 Cr |
Week 1 | 50.80 Cr | |
Day 9 | Second Friday | 1.35 Cr |
Day 10 | Second Saturday | 1.55 Cr |
Day 11 | Second Sunday | 1.80 Cr |
Day 12 | Second Monday | 0.50 Cr |
Day 13 | Second Tuesday | 0.40 Cr |
Day 14 | Second Wednesday | 0.45 Cr |
Day 15 | Second Thursday | 0.40 Cr |
Week 2 | 6.45 Cr |
Total collection: ₹ 57.25 Cr