Jersey is an upcoming Bollywood sports drama film written and directed by Gowtam Tinnanuri. The film is a remake of his 2019 Telugu film with the same title. It stars Shahid Kapoor as a former cricketer who returns to the game for his son’s sake, alongside Mrunal Thakur and Pankaj Kapur. The film is produced by Allu Entertainment, Dil Raju Production, Sithara Entertainments, and Brat Films. The story is about a thirty-six-year-old cricketer named Arjun who left his cricketing career ten years ago, and now he is trying to play for the national team just because his son wants a jersey.
The film was scheduled to be theatrically released on 28 August 2020, but its production got delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, the film got a release date and will hit the screens on 31 December 2021.
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