Jalsa is an upcoming Bollywood drama film directed by Suresh Triveni and produced by T-Series and Abundantia Entertainment. The film’s story was written by Prajwal Chandrashekar, Suresh Triveni, Hussain Dalal, and Abbas Dalal. The film features Vidya Balan and Shefali Shah in the lead role and is scheduled to premiere on Amazon Prime Video on 18 March 2022.
Starcast of the movie:
- Vidya Balan
- Shefali Shah
- Rohini Hattangadi
- Surya Kasibhatla
- Manav Kaul
- Kashish Rizwan
- Shafeen Patel
- Vidhatri Bandi
- Mohammed Iqbal Khan
- Ghanshyam Lalsa
- Shrikant Mohan Yadav
- Junaid Khan
Watch the trailer of the movie here and post your comments.