Irrfan Khan’s Hindi Medium performed exceptionally well at the Chinese box office in its first extended weekend. The film has crossed the lifetime collection of PK in just five days. The film stars Irrfan Khan and Saba Qamar in the lead roles, with Deepak Dobriyal and Dishita Sehgal in supporting roles.As per the box office reports, the film amassed USD 21.32 mn (~139 crores INR) in first five days. The daily collection of the film in its first week is as follows: Wed $ 3.42 mn, Thu $ 6.29 mn, Fri $ 6.05 mn, Sat $ 3.82 mn, Sun $ 1.74 mn.
#HindiMedium packs a SOLID TOTAL in *extended opening weekend* in China… Crosses *lifetime biz* [India] in weekend… Will be interesting to see how it fares on weekdays…
Wed $ 3.42 mn
Thu $ 6.29 mn
Fri $ 6.05 mn
Sat $ 3.82 mn
Sun $ 1.74 mn
Total: $ 21.32 mn [₹ 138.42 cr]— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) April 9, 2018
The movie could not maintain the momentum after Friday, so it will be interesting to see how does it perform during weekdays. Looking at the current trend, it seems that Hindi Medium will not find any hurdle in crossing 160-175 crores in its lifetime in the Chinese market.
चीन वालों को भी देशी जोक्स अच्छा लगता है, ये जान के बढ़िया लगा। बहुत अच्छा पैसा कमाया सिनेमा ने।