Two weeks after releasing in the Chinese market, Irrfan Khan and Saba Qamar starrer Hindi Medium has crossed the Rs 200 crores mark. The film had a huge opening on April 4 when it earned 22.06 crores. The film was able to impress Chinese audience and hence the footfalls did not drop sharply after the opening weekend. As per the box office reports, the film amassed about $4.89 mn in the second week to takes its total collection to $31.08 mn after two weeks. The daily collection in its second week is as follows: Fri $ 0.62 mn,Sat $ 1.41 mn,Sun $ 1.20 mn,Mon $ 0.42 mn,Tue $ 0.42 mn,Wed $ 0.43 mn,Thu $ 0.39 mn.
#HindiMedium faced a decline in Week 2, but was consistently steady on weekdays in CHINA…
[Week 2]
Fri $ 0.62 mn
Sat $ 1.41 mn
Sun $ 1.20 mn
Mon $ 0.42 mn
Tue $ 0.42 mn
Wed $ 0.43 mn
Thu $ 0.39 mn
Total: $ 31.08 million [₹ 205.21 cr]
???— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) April 20, 2018
The collection of the film has slowed down in the second week, so it will not be able to cross 300 crores. The lifetime collection in the Chinese market should be 220-230 crores.
The business of Hindi Medium in the Chinese market till now is as follows:
Week 1: $26.19 million
Week 2: $4.89 million
Total: $ 31.08 million [₹ 205.21 cr]