Akshay Kumar’s latest comedy film Good Newwz started with 30-35% occupancy in the morning shows, but it witnessed 80%+ occupancy in all centers in the evening and night shows. As a result of good occupancy, the film amassed 15+ crore on its opening day. All critics have rated it 3+/5 and public reaction is very positive, so the first-weekend collection should be in the range of 70-75 crores. As expected, the film is performing below-par in small centers because of its genre. However, Good Newwz may become another big hit (150+ cr) for Akshay Kumar. Good Newwz is the fourth release of Akshay in 2019 and it seems that the net collection of Akshay’s movies in 2019 will be ~750 crores (only India); a feat that no Bollywood actor has yet achieved.
Good Newwz is a Bollywood comedy film starring Akshay Kumar, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Diljit Dosanjh, and Kiara Advani in lead roles. The film is directed by debutant Raj Mehta and produced by Karan Johar, Apoorva Mehta, Hiroo Yash Johar, Shashank Khaitan, and Aruna Bhatia. It was theatrically released in India on 27 December 2019.
The Indian box office collection of Good Newwz is as follows:
Day | Net Collection in India (in ₹ ) | |
Day 1 | First Friday | 17.56 Cr |
Day 2 | First Saturday | 21.78 Cr |
Day 3 | First Sunday | 25.65 Cr |
Day 4 | First Monday | 13.41 Cr |
Day 5 | First Tuesday | 16.20 Cr |
Day 6 | First Wednesday | 22.50 Cr |
Day 7 | First Thursday | 10.80 Cr |
Week 1 | 127.90 Cr | |
Day 8 | Second Friday | 8.10 Cr |
Day 9 | Second Saturday | 11.70 Cr |
Day 10 | Second Sunday | 14.40 Cr |
Day 11 | Second Monday | 5.40 Cr |
Day 12 | Second Tuesday | 5.04 Cr |
Day 13 | Second Wednesday | 4.77 Cr |
Day 14 | Second Thursday | 4.05 Cr |
Week 2 | 53.46 Cr | |
Day 15 | Third Friday | 2.07 Cr |
Day 16 | Third Saturday | 3.06 Cr |
Day 17 | Third Sunday | 3.60 Cr |
Day 18 | Third Monday | 1.65 Cr |
Day 19 | Third Tuesday | 1.95 Cr |
Day 20 | Third Wednesday | 1.85 Cr |
Day 21 | Third Thursday | 1.56 Cr |
Week 3 | 15.74 Cr | |
Day 22 | Fourth Friday | 0.75 Cr |
Day 23 | Fourth Saturday | 1.40 Cr |
Day 24 | Fourth Sunday | 1.89 Cr |
Day 25 | Fourth Monday | 0.55 Cr |
Day 26 | Fourth Tuesday | 0.55 Cr |
Day 27 | Fourth Wednesday | 0.50 Cr |
Day 28 | Fourth Thursday | 0.45 Cr |
Week 4 | 6.09 Cr | |
Week 5 | 1.65 Cr | |
Week 6 | 0.66 Cr |
Total collection: ₹ 205.50 Cr SUPERHIT
180-210 cr seems possible now.
Second weekend may be 32+ cr. 200 cr will depend on weekdays.