“Good Luck Jerry” is an upcoming Bollywood black comedy crime film directed by Sidharth Sengupta and produced by Subaskaran Allirajah, Aanand L. Rai, and Mahaveer Jain. The film stars Janhvi Kapoor in the lead role, alongside Deepak Dobriyal, Mita Vashisht, Neeraj Sood, and Sushant Singh in supporting roles. It is a remake of the Tamil film Kolamaavu Kokila.
Starcast of the movie:
- Janhvi Kapoor
- Deepak Dobriyal
- Mita Vashisht
- Neeraj Sood
- Sushant Singh
- Sahil Mehta
- Saurabh Sachdeva
- Sandeep Nayak
- Jaswant Singh Dalal
- Mohan kamboj
- Tashi Kalden
The film is scheduled to premiere on 29 July 2022 on Disney+ Hotstar. Watch the trailer of the film and post your comments about it.