Rohit Shetty’s multi-starrer Golmaal Again showed no sign of fatigue at the domestic box office in its third week. The film had lost around 50% of screens to Aamir Khan’s Secret Superstar, but the collection did not witness huge impact because of that. The movie might have crossed 250 crores if it had not shared the screens.
As per the box office reports, the film collected 10.58 crores in the third weekend to take its total domestic box office collection to 193.51 crores. The daily collection of the film in its third week is as follows: Fri 2.04 cr, Sat 3.69 cr, Sun 4.85 cr.
#GolmaalAgain is UNSTOPPABLE… Inches closer to ₹ 200 cr… [Week 3] Fri 2.04 cr, Sat 3.69 cr, Sun 4.85 cr. Total: ₹ 193.51 cr. India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) November 6, 2017
The growth during the weekend is over 30%, which means the collection is going to remain steady during weekdays. Now, it is quite obvious that the film will cross 200 crores in the third week or on fourth Friday. No big movie is going to hit the screens in November and its competitors might lose a large percentage of screens for the new releases. So, there is a possibility that the lifetime collection of the film may be around 210-215 crores. BLOCKBUSTER