Rohit Shetty’s laugh riot Golmaal Again lost about 95% of its screens to the new releases, but the film is still earning in lakh. The film has already crossed 200 crores, so any addition will make its lifetime collection better. Depending on the collection during weekdays, the film may cross 205 crore in its lifetime. As per the box office reports, the film collected 80 lakh in the fifth weekend to take its total domestic box office collection to 203.93 crore. The daily collection in the fifth weekend is as follows: Fri 13 lakhs, 25 lakhs, Sun 42 lakhs.
#GolmaalAgain [Week 5] Fri 13 lakhs, 25 lakhs, Sun 42 lakhs. Total: ₹ 203.93 cr.#GolmaalAgain biz at a glance…
Week 1: ₹ 136.09 cr
Week 2: ₹ 46.85 cr
Week 3: ₹ 15.02 cr
Week 4: ₹ 5.17 cr
Weekend 5: ₹ 80 lakhs
Total: ₹ 203.93 cr
NettBOC. India biz.
BLOCKBUSTER.— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) November 20, 2017
It may cross 204 crore on Moday, but will take several days to cross 205 crore because the weekdays collection may remain around 10 lakh. Anyway, by crossing 200 crore, the film has become the first blockbuster of the year.