After earning Rs 8.71 crores on Friday, Janhvi Kapoor and Ishaan Khatter’s Dhadak witnessed a phenomenal growth on both Saturday and Sunday to put an impressive total in its first weekend. For a film starring new faces, the figures are really humongous — it has done much better than Student of the Year that launched Alia Bhatt, Varun Dhawan and Sidharth Malhotra and Tiger Shroff’s launch vehicle Heropanti.
As per the box office reports, the film amassed 13.92 crores on first Sunday to take its total domestic box office collection to 33.67 crores after 3 days. The producer of the film is Karan Johar, so the numbers are along the lines of expectations. With the first-weekend collection of more than 30 crores, Dhadak is on its way to becoming a profit-making venture.
Trade analyst Taran Adarsh tweeted the first-weekend collection of the film, “And the BO numbers do the talking… #Dhadak packs an IMPRESSIVE TOTAL in its opening weekend… A consistent run on weekdays will help put up a STRONG Week 1 total… Fri 8.71 cr, Sat 11.04 cr, Sun 13.92 cr. Total: ₹ 33.67 cr. India biz.”, he wrote.
The film is facing competition at the box office, so it would be interesting to see how does it fare on weekdays. There is no holiday or long weekend, so it will have 40-50% drop in the collection on Monday compared with Friday. But there is an enormous possibility that it will cross 45 crores in its first week. Sanjay Datt’s Saheb, Biwi Aur Gangster 3 will release next week, so a steady collection is needed for the movie to post an excellent lifetime collection.
The box office collection of the film is as follows:
Friday (Day 1): ₹ 8.71 cr
Saturday (Day 2): ₹ 11.04 cr
Sunday (Day 3): ₹ 13.92 cr
Total: ₹ 33.67 cr