Chhatriwali is an upcoming Bollywood romantic comedy film directed by Tejas Deoskar and produced by Ronnie Screwvala. The film stars Rakul Preet Singh in the lead role and Sumeet Vyas, Satish Kaushik, Dolly Ahluwalia, and Rajesh Tailang in the supporting role. The film is scheduled to release on 20 January 2023 on ZEE5.
Starcast of the movie:
- Rakul Preet Singh
- Sumeet Vyas
- Satish Kaushik
- Dolly Ahluwalia
- Rajesh Tailang
- Prachee Shah Paandya
- Rakesh Bedi
- Riva Arora
Watch the trailer of the movie here and post your reactions about it.