Salman Khan’s Bharat was hit badly on Thursday because of the world cup match. Although the match between India and New Zealand was abandoned because of rain, the film could not get the desired number of footfalls. It has already crossed 175
As per the box office reports, the film earned 5.35 crore on first Thursday to take its total domestic box office collection to 179.35
The box office collection of Bharat is as follows:
Wednesday (Day 1): ₹ 42.30 cr
Thursday (Day 2): ₹ 31.00 cr
Friday (Day 3): ₹ 22.20 cr
Saturday (Day 4): ₹ 26.70 cr
Sunday (Day 5): ₹ 27.90 cr
Monday (Day 6): ₹ 9.20 cr
Tuesday (Day 7): ₹ 8.30 cr
Wednesday (Day 8): ₹ 6.40 cr
Thursday (Day 9): ₹ 5.35 cr
Total: ₹ 179.35 cr