BellBottom is an upcoming Bollywood action thriller film directed by Ranjit M Tewari. Aseem Arrora and Parveez Sheikh wrote the story of the movie. It is produced by Vashu Bhagnani, Jackky Bhagnani, Deepshikha Deshmukh, and Nikkhil Advani. It stars Akshay Kumar as the lead character, Vaani Kapoor, Lara Dutta, and Huma Qureshi in other roles. BellBottom is inspired by real-life hijacking events in India by Khalistani terrorists during the 1980s, such as the Indian Airlines Flight 423, 405, and 421 hijackings.
The film is scheduled to be released in theatres on 19 August 2021 in 3D. Check out the trailer of the film and post your comments about it.