Bala is an upcoming satirical black comedy film directed by Amar Kaushik and produced by Dinesh Vijan under the banner ‘Maddock Films’. The film stars Ayushmann Khurrana, Yami Gautam, and Bhumi Pednekar in lead roles, with Javed Jaffrey, Saurabh Shukla, and Seema Pahwa playing supporting roles. The story of the film follows a man suffering from alopecia (played by Khurrana) and the lack of confidence and the societal pressure that comes with balding. It is scheduled to be released on 7 November 2019. [Source: Wikipedia]
- Ayushmann Khurrana as Bala/Gaurav Rawat
- Yami Gautam as Pari
- Bhumi Pednekar as Nikita
- Javed Jaffrey as Bachchan Bhaiya
- Saurabh Shukla as Bala’s father
- Seema Pahwa as Nikita’s mother
- Abhishek Banerjee
- Dheerendra Kumar Gautam as Bala’s brother
The trailer of the film was released on October 10 and it has been well-received by moviegoers. So, there is an enormous chance that Ayushmann Khurrana will have another hit on his list. Check out the trailer of the film and post your comments about it.
Very funny trailer. Seems another hit for Ayushmann Khurrana
Just wow!!!
Ayushmann Khurana always does special movies.
AK always choose a good script.
Seems a good movie