Salman Khan’s Bajrangi Bhaijaan is following the path of the mega blockbuster Bahubali at the box offices in India and overseas. The film remained rock steady at the ticket counters even in the second week because of the repetitive views by the moviegoers. The movie witnessed massive growth in the collection during second weekend (Fri – 12.80 cr, Sat – 19.25 cr, and Sun- 24.05 cr) esp. on Saturday, and Sunday.
As per the box office reports, Sallu Bhai’s latest movie amassed 9.30 crores on second Monday to take its total domestic box office collection to 250.02 crores. The movie also collected approx 120 crores in the international market. The movie will definitely cross 300 crores figure by the end of 3rd weekend and if Ajay Devgn’s Drishyam couldn’t pull the crowd to the theaters, BB has immense chance to touch 350 crores in the domestic market because the next biggie will hit the screens on 14th Aug.